Postdoc Position available, apply here
Research Description:
The George lab (www.oliviergeorge.com) is seeking applications for postdoctoral traineeships. The successful applicant will receive training under support from a Collaborative Research on Addiction at NIH (CRAN) supplement to our NIH/NIAAA Institutional Training Grant (T32 AA007456) which has been training young scientists in the field of substance abuse research for over 25 years.
The Program is directed by Drs. Mike Taffe and Eric Zorrilla with the support of a Program Faculty which includes Drs. Candice Contet, Cindy Ehlers, Olivier George, Chitra Mandyam, Barbara Mason, Marisa Roberto, Pietro Sanna, Paul Schweitzer, Michael Taffe, Friedbert Weiss and Eric Zorrilla.
This solicitation seeks applicants who have an interest in the interactive effects of alcohol and other abused substances or who seek to investigate common mechanisms that may contribute to polysubstance abuse. Due to the established epidemiology of alcohol-drug combinations there will be a priority on interactions with nicotine (Ehlers, George, Mandyam, Mason, Parsons, Roberto and Wall), cannabinoids (Ehlers, Mason, Parsons, Roberto, Sanna,Schweitzer,Taffe) and opioids (Contet, George, Roberto, Roberts, Sanna, Schweitzer, Taffe, Weiss). The collective research interests of the Program Faculty provide an integrated and comprehensive research program on various facets of substance use disorders.
This includes projects focused on 1) molecular biology, genetic manipulation and both preclinical and clinical characterization of alcohol and drug use across distinct populations; 2) characterization of neural mechanisms of reward, dependence, withdrawal and relapse using electrophysiology, in vivo neurochemistry, pharmacogenetics, optogenetics and neural plasticity; 3) behavioral analyses using animal models of binge-like drug consumption, escalation of drug intake which models compulsive consumption, negative reinforcement of drug taking during dependence, dysregulated stress responsivity and affect control during protracted withdrawal, impaired cognitive function (e.g. impulsivity, attentional capacity, cognitive flexibility, conditioned fear) and reinstatement of extinguished drug-seeking behavior; 4) clinical studies of risk factors, biomarkers and trajectories of drug use initiation, abuse, dependence, remission and relapse; 5) coordinated clinical and preclinical evaluations of potential medications for alcohol and drug dependence. Research Associates are appointed positions for the purpose of developing scholarly competence, working under the supervision of a TSRI Faculty member. These appointments are normally not renewed beyond a total of six years. Research Associates cannot apply for external funding either as a Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator without prior approval from a Departmental Chair. Research Associates do not have consulting privileges.
Position Requirements:Applicants should have a recent doctoral degree in a relevant field and a strong interest in substance abuse research. US citizenship or Permanent Resident status is required. An ability to think critically and creatively, along with strong writing and communication skills is essential.Experience in optogenetics, pharmacogenetics and animal model of alcohol and drug addiction is recommended but not required. Qualified applicants should apply here