Olivier George
Jul 6, 20151 min read
A novel therapeutic strategy for alcoholism: Blocking the stress system using glucocorticoid antagon
A new paper published in collaboration with Leandro Vendruscolo and the Barbara Mason lab provide robust evidence that mifepristone...
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Olivier George
Apr 22, 20151 min read
New paper published in collaboration with the Tapper lab: Identification of a new brain pathway cont
LA JOLLA, CA – April 21, 2015 – Few months ago we published a paper in Nature Neuroscience providing evidence that a previously unknown...
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Olivier George
Mar 12, 20153 min read
New paper published: Finding new ways to treat methamphetamine dependence.
LA JOLLA, CA – March 11, 2015 – Methamphetamine abuse and dependence is a major issue in the US. More than 1 million people used...
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Olivier George
Nov 17, 20144 min read
New paper published by the George Lab: Identification of a new type of neurons that contributes to n
TSRI Researchers Discover New Type of Neuron that Plays Key Role in Nicotine Addiction LA JOLLA, CA – November 17, 2014 – For decades,...
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Olivier George
Sep 24, 20142 min read
George lab awarded grant to evaluate the effect of nicotine vapor exposure on the vulnerability to d
The George lab at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) has been awarded a $521,000 grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse of...
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Olivier George
May 15, 20141 min read
One more step into the dark side of the brain.
People often assume that their neurons are only there to do good things. While I mostly agree, I believe there are bad neurons in our...
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Olivier George
Jul 17, 20131 min read
CRF, anxiety, pain and nicotine dependence
Extended access to nicotine leads to a CRF1 receptor dependent increase in anxiety-like behavior and hyperalgesia in rats. Addiction...
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Olivier George
May 5, 20131 min read
NPY, anxiety and alcohol
Neuropeptide Y Y2 R blockade in the central amygdala reduces anxiety-like behavior but not alcohol drinking in alcohol-dependent rats...
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