
Olivier George
Nov 17, 20144 min read
New paper published by the George Lab: Identification of a new type of neurons that contributes to n
TSRI Researchers Discover New Type of Neuron that Plays Key Role in Nicotine Addiction LA JOLLA, CA – November 17, 2014 – For decades,...
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Olivier George
Aug 4, 20141 min read
Smoking may produce excessive immature neurons
Latest paper published: Nicotine dependence increases the number of immature neurons in the hippocampus. It was believed that nicotine...
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Olivier George
Jun 11, 20141 min read
How rats order a Martini
This video shows how rats vocalize in anticipation of access to alcohol. They produce sounds that the human ear can't process, but if you...
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Olivier George
Jun 10, 20142 min read
Congrats Dr. Buck!
Congratulations to Cara Buck who obtained her PhD today. She was given the challenge of setting up a brand new technique in the lab...
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Olivier George
Apr 24, 20141 min read
Alcohol Vapor Self-Administration
The lab has just been awarded a new 5 year grant by the NIH to study Alcohol Vapor Self-Administration. Very excited to start this new...
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